Predictive Tools for Trial Design & Interim Decision-Making with East PREDICT

The East® PREDICT Module allows for accurate predictions of enrollment milestones, and site-specific performance indicators.

Ongoing trials benefit from updating methods that provide critical information about the likelihood that a study will meet its deadlines.


East PREDICT provides an integrated module to address a range of problems faced by both trial designers and DMC members. Trial designers can engage with powerful simulation tools that ensure optimal choice of trial design, no matter what the interim results.

Tools for interim analysis provide users with reliable information for sensible interim decisions. The ‘Predicted Interval Plots’ (PIPs) allows for conditional simulations to assess expected treatment effects and associated repeated confidence intervals at future looks (Li et al. 2009). East PREDICT can also assess the probability of finishing with a successful trial (conditional power), or minimum treatment effect.



  • Predictions of enrollment milestones and country performance at design stage or at interim
  • Predictions based on blinded or unblinded data, as well as summary data
  • Predicted Interval Plots: Visual summaries of interim data enable statisticians to communicate complex findings to DMC members in an intuitive, easy-to-read format
  • Flexible Interim Computation: Accommodate unexpected changes in number and timing of looks to make designs more efficient
  • Simulate from site-specific treatment effects
  • Event Prediction using Weibull Distribution